יוסי פרץ - גיוס הון ומענקי המדען הראשי

 יוסי פרץ  -   052-4831975

About Yossef Peretz PGH Ltd.

About Yossef Peretz PGH Ltd.


Explaining the Problem

During the process of company development, a company will find itself confronted with critical challenges upon seeking funding for the purpose of continuing its growth.

A company's decisions at this point in time are crucial. Mistakes and wrong timing can sabotage the development of the company's business plan.

The processes of management, including confronting the private investment community and approaching the Israeli Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS, the governmental office which provides seed funding to companies with technology potential) for funding, are full of bureaucratic obstacles and require many resources and much time. A company will often deviate from its main goal of research and development at the expense of administrative matters, negatively impacting the OCS panel's final decision.


The process of the mobilization of capital is expensive and time-consuming. At this critical juncture, a company is often tempted to "cut corners" in the developmental process, resulting in changes which are ultimately harmful for the company and which will prevent the company from succeeding in its hearing with the OCS research committee panel.

Beginning and enduring the process without an experienced advisor who will, in effect, hold the company's hand and guide it through is like traversing a road in an unknown field full of mines without the critical map that will mark the mines.


If you are in the beginning of the process of capital mobilization, or in the middle of it, and you are encountering difficulties and hardly managing in your proceedings with the Office of the Chief Scientist, we are here to help. We will be happy to provide the proven connections and team of expert advisers to resolve your problems as they become apparent in confronting the Office of the Chief Scientist and generally in confronting the Office of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, and in all of your dealings related to the Israel Investment Center in order to advance your marketing interests to the Ministry administration.

Company Profile

My company has been active for more than a decade in the area of capital mobilization and presenting requests to the Office of the Chief Scientist and other leading community funds throughout Israel and the world to obtain financing.

Until recently, the company was the chief advisory body to the office of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. As a veteran of the Department of Budgets of the Office of the Chief Scientist and a seasoned specialist and highly qualified in the area, my ability to help and to advance your target is enhanced using my experience and expertise that I have built through the years, as well as my connections in the Office of the Ministry of Industry Trade and Labor, and in the Office of the Chief Scientist. Even if your intent to submit a request for investment lies outside the borders of Israel, utilizing my investment knowledge and connections in numerous areas of technology will severely improve your chances of funding.


In the last three years, we have enjoyed more than 70% success rate in presenting requests to the Office of the Chief Scientist and in managing the challenges of selecting the proper track for funding for differing technologies, which is far more than what my competitor sucsessful rate.


ת.ד 141, מושב רמות מאיר